What is the World Ninja Athlete Games (WNAG)?
The World Ninja Athlete Games is the largest Worldwide competition week on the planet for Ninja, from March 1st-9th 2025. Gyms across the globe compete on the same standardised course throughout the week to become the World Champion!
The WNAG Team Championships will be held at the
Obstacle Sports Expo in Dallas, Texas on 10th-12th July 2025 (there are 4 Championship events being held at the Obstacle Sports Expo, the WNAG Team Championships is one of them).
WNAG is a great opportunity for those already attending the Obstacle Sports Expo to potentially qualify for an extra event, or allow others who haven’t yet qualified, to qualify for the UNAA World Series Finals.
We also welcome any other participants who want to be a part of the WNAG event to join us, regardless on your plans for a Worlds Qualification. Who doesn’t want to see where they sit on a Worldwide leader board against other Ninjas from all around the World!
What does WNAG qualify me for? - Top 5 per division at each WNAG event WILL qualify for:
- UNAA World Series Finals in Dallas
- Top 5 per division at each WNAG event CAN qualify for:
- WNAG Team Championships in Dallas
- Top 3 per division at each WNAG event WILL also qualify for:
- UNAA Comps Australia Asia Pacific Championships in South Australia (7-9 Nov 2025)
What are the WNAG Team Championships?
Each WNAG Gym is eligible to have up to 4 teams attend the WNAG Team Championships in Dallas. Teams have a minimum of 6 athletes and maximum of 8. They will be a combination of different age divisions and genders. The WNAG Team Championships is a hand to hand tag team event. This event will be run directly after the UNAA World Series Finals on Saturday afternoon, July 12.
Kids Teams: 7U, 9U, 11U & 13U
Adults Teams: 15U, Amateur, 40+, 50+, Intermediate & Pro
Top 3 Ninjas in each division will be chosen for the Team positions first but can be handed down to the top 5 if those athletes are unavailable. If you finish in the top 1 per division, you are eligible to compete in the WNAG Team Championships. Up to 4 teams can be appointed by each WNAG gym for the WNAG Team Champions as follows:
- Teams are to be made up of the top 1 per division only (no roll-downs)
- Teams contain 4 people each
- Each gym can have a maximum of 2 youth teams and 2 adult teams
- Each team must have 2 males and 2 females
- Youth teams must have one 7U, one 9U, one 11U and one 13U
- Adult teams must have one 15U, one amateur, one pro and one master
- 20 obstacles
- 7 minute time limit
- each obstacle is worth 1 point
- person with most points in the fastest time wins
- no retries
- no limit to how many obstacles you can fail
- can skip as many obstacles as you want (so not to stress if you can't do a few of the obstacles listed)
Age group is determined by the participants age on January 1st 2025.
- 7 & Under Male
- 7 & Under Female
- 9 & Under Male
- 9 & Under Female
- 11 & Under Male
- 11 & Under Female
- 13 & Under Male
- 13 & Under Female
- 15 & Under Male
- 15 & Under Female
- Amateurs Male
- Amateurs Female
- 40+ Masters Male
- 40+ Masters Female
- 50+ Masters Male
- 50+ Masters Female
- Intermediate Male
- Intermediate Female
- Pro’s Male
- Pro’s Female
Price (before convenience fees):
- $50 AUD
- 10% discount available for families registering 3 or more participants
- 20% discount available for families registering 5 or more participants
Tentative Schedule:
All times are subject to change – OFFICIAL SCHEDULE will be released closer to the event:
- 8:30am – 15U, Amateurs, Masters, Intermediates & Pro’s
- 12pm – 11U, 13U
- 2:30pm – 7U & 9U